10 Places to visit whilst you still can!
Galapagos Islands Estimated time remaining: Unknown (but not long!) Due to mass tourism the eco system of the Galapagos Islands is being destroyed. With tourism increasing at 12% per year, it is impossible to sustain the ecosystem. Over ¾ of the reptiles and birds on the islands are exclusive to the area, yet they are being killed off by cruise ships bringing rats, and smugglers bringing other animals to the island. These then compete with the local wildlife for food. Image from: deeperblue.com The Maldives Estimated time remaining: Less than 100 years The lowest nation in the world is the Maldives, which will cease to exist in less than 100 years as it will have sunk into the ocean. Already, 80% of its islands are only 1m above sea level. The reasons for this are that they have lost 90% of their protective coral reefs due to coral bleaching, and because the sea level is rising due to global warming. Image from: flyingthenest.tv The Great Bar...